Archives of Medicine and Health Review

Journal of the Nigerian Medical Association, FCT

IOP and CCT Among Pregnant And Non-Pregnant Nigerian Women At UniAbuja

Pg: 09 – 16

Authors: Erdoo R. Nomhwange MBBS, Perpetua O. Odugbo FWACS, FMCOph, Rilwan C. Muhammad FWACS


Introduction: The study aimed to compare the Intraocular pressure and Central corneal thickness among pregnant and non-pregnant Nigeria women.

Materials and methods: One hundred and ninety newly recruited pregnant women and one hundred and ninety age-matched non-pregnant women were enrolled on the study. All participants had a full ocular examination. Intraocular pressures and central corneal thickness were measured. Statistical analysis was done using Stata 10 statistical software. P-values of < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Results: The mean Central Corneal Thickness was significantly higher in the pregnant group compared to the non-pregnant group (552.87±36.3 vs. 537.87±32.0, t-test value=4.27, p< 0.001) while intraocular pressure was significantly lower in the pregnant group compared to the non-pregnant group (12.89±2.4 vs. 14.3±2.7, t-test value=-5.23 p< 0.001) respectively. A positive correlation was observed between central corneal thickness and duration of pregnancy in both eyes (correlation coefficient r=0.52 in the right eye and 0.4 in the left eye, p<0.001) while a negative correlation existed between intraocular pressure and duration of pregnancy in both eyes. (Correlation coefficient r =-0.53 in the right eye, -0.52 in the left eye, p<0.001).

Conclusion: The study observed that intraocular pressure was lower while central corneal thickness was higher in pregnancy compared to age-matched non-pregnant women. The knowledge of the ocular changes in pregnancy may have an impact on the progression of a pre-existing ocular disease and so physiologic changes should be kept in mind in order to prevent misdiagnosis during routine antenatal investigations as well as avoid unnecessary interventions during pregnancy.

Keywords: intraocular pressure, central cornea thickness, pregnancy LMP: Last menstrual period.

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